
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. A Brief Review of Quantum Machine Learning for Financial Services
    Mina Doosti ,  Petros Wallden ,  Conor Brian Hamill , and 3 more authors


  1. Agent-based Modelling of Credit Card Promotions
    Conor B. Hamill ,  Raad Khraishi ,  Simona Gherghel , and 4 more authors
    arXiv e-prints, Nov 2023
  2. RIB induced reactions: Studying astrophysical reactions with low-energy RI beam at CRIB
    H. Yamaguchi ,  S. Hayakawa ,  N.R. Ma , and 60 more authors
    EPJ Web of Conferences, Nov 2023


  1. First measurement of 25Al+p resonant scattering relevant to the astrophysical reaction 22Mg(α, p)25Al
    J. Hu ,  H. Yamaguchi ,  Y.H. Lam , and 34 more authors
    EPJ Web of Conferences, Nov 2022
  2. Experimental studies on astrophysical reactions at the low-energy RI beam separator CRIB
    H. Yamaguchi ,  S. Hayakawa ,  N.R. Ma , and 59 more authors
    EPJ Web of Conferences, Nov 2022
  3. An Introduction to Machine Unlearning
    Salvatore Mercuri ,  Raad Khraishi ,  Ramin Okhrati , and 4 more authors
    arXiv e-prints, Sep 2022


  1. Advancement of Photospheric Radius Expansion and Clocked Type-I X-Ray Burst Models with the New Mg22(α, p)Al25 Reaction Rate Determined at the Gamow Energy
    J. Hu ,  H. Yamaguchi ,  Y. H. Lam , and 34 more authors
    Physical Review Letters, Oct 2021
  2. star_nova-explosion_gas-cloud.jpeg
    Measurement of the 25Mg(d, p)26Mg reaction to constrain nucleosynthesis in novae and the weak s-process
    Conor Brian Hamill
    Oct 2021


  1. Study of the 25Mg(d, p)26Mg reaction to constrain the 25Al(p, γ)26Si resonant reaction rates in nova burning conditions
    C. B. Hamill ,  P. J. Woods ,  D. Kahl , and 5 more authors
    The European Physical Journal A, Feb 2020


  1. High-statistics measurement of the η3π0 decay at the Mainz Microtron
    S. Prakhov ,  S. Abt ,  P. Achenbach , and 86 more authors
    Physical Review C, Jun 2018
  2. Experimental study of the γpπ0ηp reaction with the A2 setup at the Mainz Microtron
    V. Sokhoyan ,  S. Prakhov ,  A. Fix , and 87 more authors
    Physical Review C, May 2018